Private Weather Companies

Our offering for the private weather companies

We provide comprehensive solutions for data analysis, adaptable visualization, and data integration through Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) compliant web services. Our products serve as a robust foundation for developing your own unique solutions, catering to both meteorological and non-meteorological customers worldwide. With our flexible and scalable tools, you can deliver tailored services that meet diverse client needs, ensuring reliable and high-quality outcomes across various industries.

Visual Weather

  • powerful, blazingly fast, customizable visualisation allowing you to display any data in your preferred way
  • comfortable interface for customising the visualisation with immediate effect
  • high-accuracy GIS data display for putting data into the right context
  • versatile textual and graphical production of forecasts, including form-based text entry, weather chart drawing, support for custom logos and additional graphics with output in various formats (HTML, PDF, LibreOffice, JSON, XML)
  • compelling Python API for writing your own data integrations, processing, visualisation, production extensions and custom web services
  • many supported Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services - including OGC Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API based on RESTful API with outputs to JSON, CovJSON, GeoJSON, XML, IWXXM, KML

Online Weather

  • web-based forecasting software built using the modern technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, WebGL)
  • features a modular architecture that can be combined with your widgets into applications tailored for particular market users
  • interactive weather charts with support for various map layers from any WMS server
  • support for client-side EDR data visualisation
  • highly extensible graphical production to accommodate new products and feature types

Open Weather

  • next-generation Big Data weather database and web-service engine to publish your data through the OGC-compliant web services, including OGC Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API and Web Map Service (WMS)
  • champion in handling the immense volume and complexity of multi-dimensional weather data
  • efficiently processes vast datasets from diverse sources (such as high-resolution meteorological satellites or Ensemble NWP data)
  • leverages the power of cloud computing on platforms such as Amazon AWS to achieve unparalleled scalability
  • adopts serverless architecture to dynamically adjust its resource usage to handle fluctuating data flows and user demands
  • provides back-end for your web or mobile applications and elastically scales with the varying demand
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