National Meteorological Services

Our offerings for the National Meteorological Services

We provide seamless integration with WMO Information System (WIS) 2.0 and Global Telecommunication System (GTS) for data dissemination, supporting international data exchange and efficient collection from both automated and manned meteorological stations or other observing platforms. 

Our advanced tools empower forecasters to analyse weather data, issue warnings through systems like MeteoAlarm and the Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS) and create tailored products for public, governmental, and commercial users, aligning with the WMO Early Warning for All (EW4All) initiative. Additionally, we offer satellite data reception software and integration with large datasets, such as NWP models and high-resolution satellite data, for powerful processing and visualisation.

Moving Weather

  • Top-performance, low-maintenance message switching system used by the majority of RTH centres in a traditional GTS network
  • Ready for WMO Information System (WIS) 2.0 and the new paradigm of data publishing and subscribing
  • Supports a variety of communication lines:
    • publish-subscribe: AMQP/AMQPS, MQTT/MQTTS, Amazon SNS/SQS
    • FTP/FTPS, SFTP, SCP, HTTP/HTTPS, Amazon S3, Azure Blob
    • E-mail (IMAP, POP3, SMTP)
    • WMO TCP Socket
  • Seamless support of BUFR and IWXXM data formats, including report collection, message compilation and conversion between traditional TAC and BUFR or IWXXM. 

Visual Weather

  • Production and visualisation suite provides versatile and powerful tool for meteorological data visualisation and analysis
  • Contains a multifaceted production subsystem supporting many outputs, including PDF, web pages, e-mail and other
  • Integration of many types of meteorological data (forecasts, observations, imagery, etc.) and inputs and services from non-meteorological systems (GIS systems, climatological databases) into a unified presentation and workplace interface so forecasters do not have to work with several separate dedicated systems
  • Managing forecast roles and workflows, organising work on the shifts with a role-based task list that includes direct links to editable products

Satellite Weather

  • Autonomous software for receiving, processing and visualising satellite data focusing on imagery from geostationary meteorological satellites (EUMETSAT MTG, MSG, Himawari, GOES)
  • Designed to cooperate with the EUMETCast distribution system
  • Creates spectral composites using single spectral channels or their linear combinations - including animations
  • Overlays satellite imagery with derived (Level 2) satellite data

Online Weather

  • Web-based forecasting software designed to empower informed decision-making and streamline planning
  • User-centred interface built using modern web technologies (HTML5, JavaScript, WebGL)
  • Interactive weather charts - weather data and map visualisation with layers, zooming, panning and readouts of detailed point information at mouse position, all updated in real-time. Available layers can be combined and include geospatial backgrounds, observations, NWP data, satellite and radar layers, lightning, etc.
  • Interactive route cross-sections and meteograms composed of both observations and NWP data for any trajectory or location.
  • Thermodiagram display from the selected data source (observation or NWP), location and validity.
  • Online Weather interfaces with other Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based on OpenGIS standard Web Service protocols (interfaces), the most prominent of which is the Environmental Data Retrieval (EDR) API

Open Weather

  • Next-generation Big Data platform that enables meteorological services and organisations to receive, catalogue and expose large volumes of weather data.
  • Designed to process and analyse tens of terabytes to petabytes of weather data per day.
  • Intelligent Data Services™ in Open Weather elevate the platform to a new level of sophistication, providing users with advanced capabilities to extract and condense valuable insights from meteorological data.
  • Open Weather is a product for the cloud era. Thanks to cloud-native paradigms such as autoscaling groups and serverless lambda functions, Open Weather boasts Elasticity as one of its key features, effortlessly adjusting to data and demand fluctuations.
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