Meet the needs of the public with production tools

Every meteorological office prepares products that interpret the weather for end-users and customer organisations: TV & radio stations, newspapers, media, ship operators, farmers, air-traffic control, pilots, energy companies, and the office's own websites and applications. Meteorologists need tools to produce graphical charts, tables, weather alerts, text documents, websites, or raw data. Task and role management is necessary on top to organise the workload of the individual job positions throughout the forecasting shift.

Manage all your production in one place!

Visual Weather has grown from its visualisation roots to become a powerhouse in the textual and graphical production of forecasts and warnings. It is widely used by public weather services, airports, and private meteorological companies that rely on Visual Weather to manage the workflow around their production needs.

Key components

  • Batch production
  • Task list to organise shifts
  • Form-based text entry
  • Weather chart drawing
  • CAP-compatible alert tool
  • Monitoring of issued products
  • A multitude of delivery options
  • Solid coverage of aviation production (TAF, SIGMET, AIRMET, Aerodrome & Windshear Warnings, etc.)

Weather chart drawing

Visual Weather provides a drawing suite where users place meteorological features onto the map, such as fronts, cloud areas, turbulence areas, isobars, and wind streamlines.

Types of charts

  • Surface analysis with isobars, fronts, and pressure highs/lows
  • Areas of convection, thunderstorm activity or other hazards
  • Aviation Significant Weather (SIGWX) medium and high-level charts
  • Low-level Significant Weather for general aviation
  • SIGMET and AIRMET with automatic translation to TAC & IWXXM
  • Volcanic Ash Advisory graphics and text
  • Any other type of chart that you set up with the 70+ weather objects available

Drawing highlights

  • Geolocated feature coordinates
  • Collaborative drawing
  • Translate to any projection
  • Background weather maps as guidance
  • Customizable styling for lines, fills, text
  • Transfer drawing elements to other products
  • Export to GeoJSON, GML, KML, Shapefile
  • Import isolines, streamlines, and WAFC SIGWX charts
  • JSON/XML import for third-party tool integration

Text-based production

Visual Weather offers robust text production for meteorologists to create forecasts and alerts via customizable entry forms. Users can design their own forms for the Message Editor application or seek help from IBL. A single form can result in multiple outputs (text, HTML, PDF, LibreOffice, JSON, XML), with graphical quality limited only by the design effort. Results can be published on websites, social media, sent to media outlets, customers, or integrated into mobile/web applications.

Go to Aviation forecasting made easy to see how Message Editor helps users create TAF, METAR, or Aerodrome Warnings.

  • First-guess values (computed from model, calculations)
  • Embedded guidance (model data, images, external sources)
  • Structured forms, free-text, rich-text (bold, italic, colours, lists)
  • Spell-checker (English, German, Slovak, Spanish, etc.)
  • Right-to-left writing (Arabic)
  • Validation to reduce errors
  • Reuse values between forms
  • Customise output with templates
  • Output as text, HTML, PDF, LibreOffice, JSON, XML
  • Insert logos and any additional graphics
  • Printing support

Weather alerts

Create weather alerts for your country, marine and custom areas. The Alert Editor application can be customised with a map provided by you, custom hazard types, and a range of outputs that can range from simple text all the way to posts to social media like Facebook & Twitter and interactive web applications.

  • Edit using the interactive map
  • Generate alert proposals from NWP and observations
  • Output alerts in many formats (text, HTML, PDF, images, JSON, etc.)
  • Common Alerting Protocol v1.2 (CAP)
  • Integrate with MeteoAlarm
  • Alerts verification and export to CSV

Task Lists

Assign tasks based on forecasting roles, with defined issue windows and due times. The task list monitors progress and encourages timely completion and alerts users if deadlines are at risk. Create task assignment presets for both business-as-usual and critical situations to divide the work between forecasting positions based on the workload.

Task list features:

  • Role-based task division
  • Define forecasting shifts
  • Routine and ad-hoc products
  • Launches appropriate applications and presets
  • Alerts for forecast inconsistency and distribution failures
  • Auto-mode for tasks supporting automation
  • Supports amendments, corrections, and cancellations
  • Workload display and printing for forecasting desks

Automatic Batch Production

Automate tasks that do not require human intervention. Tasks can be triggered by the reception of NWP model parameters, incoming data, availability of observations, weather thresholds applied to observations or models, or simply on a fixed schedule. Most users run batch production 24/7, which includes:

  • Automatic load balancing across multiple servers
  • Producing graphical maps for websites, presentations
  • Saving animation loops (WebM, animated GIF)
  • Generating tabular sheets from models, observations, and calculations
  • Calculating derived NWP fields with 80+ configurable algorithms: thunderstorm & turbulence indices, 0-degree temperature heights, ensemble percentiles & thresholds, and many more
  • Running scripts using the Python API


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